WeBid's Commitment to Professional Development

WeBid's Commitment to Professional Development

WeBid is committed to the development of our people, empowering them to reach their full potential and excel in their roles. Our exclusive bid consultants have been undertaking a series of targeted training programs, focusing on key subjects commonly encountered in our field. This investment in knowledge helps us to deliver even greater value to our clients.

What sets us apart is our team's achievement of prestigious certifications that underpin our unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional services. These certifications include:

  1. IOSH Managing Safely: Beyond bid processes, our consultants are equipped with the IOSH Managing Safely certification to ensure detailed understanding of how to create a safe and secure working environment for everyone involved during projects.
  2. Health and Safety Training for Managers: Acknowledging the pivotal role managers play in maintaining workplace safety, our team has undergone specialised training to understand how to effectively manage health and safety concerns, further strengthening our commitment to robust safety protocols.
  3. APM Project Fundamentals Qualification: Recognising that project management is at the core of successful projects, our consultants are empowered with the APM Project Fundamentals qualification, arming them with the knowledge and ability to understand the key drivers that will achieve efficient and effective project delivery.
  4. IEMA (Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment): Championing the significance of environmental responsibility in today's business landscape, our consultants are now equipped with the knowledge and tools provided by the IEMA certification, to support the integration of sustainable practices into our bids.
  5. ROSPA (The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents): Safety is paramount in all aspects of our work. The ROSPA certification reinforces our knowledge in relation to accident prevention, ensuring that our bids reflect the highest safety standards.

Meet Our Certified Team

To familiarise yourself with the faces behind our certifications, explore our certified team members here. Each individual brings a unique set of skills and experiences, collectively contributing to our remarkable 96% success rate in 2023.

If you need help in securing bids, don't hesitate to get in touch with us today.

Elevate your bids

We're dedicated on staying ahead with the latest news and market trends, using insights to shape your bidding strategy. Choose us for your next bid, where our comprehensive services include bid strategy, bid management, and design. With a remarkable 96% success rate in 2023, we're here to guide you seamlessly along the path to success.

Our results in 2023

Success in Numbers

Success Rate
Repeat Business

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