June 24, 2024

A Day at Rail Live 2024

A Day at Rail Live 2024

Our Operations Director, Samantha Hilton, and Consultant, Laura Ford, had a fantastic day at Rail Live 2024, where we immersed ourselves in the latest advancements and discussions in the railway industry. We are thrilled to announce that WeBid Consult Ltd. will be an exhibitor at next year's event, bringing our expertise and innovative solutions to a broader audience.

Highlights from Rail Live 2024

The event was packed with enlightening seminars and discussions. Among the most impactful were those focused on AI and machine learning. These technologies are set to revolutionise railway operations, promising efficiency, safety, and reliability improvements. Understanding and leveraging these advancements is crucial, and the sessions provided valuable knowledge on their practical applications within the rail industry.

Another significant highlight was the exploration of the Global Ukraine Rail Task Force. This initiative aims to support and rebuild the Ukrainian railway infrastructure, crucial for the country’s recovery and future development. WeBid is exploring ways to support this initiative in the coming months.

The Value of Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

Events like Rail Live are crucial for our continuous professional development (CPD). At WeBid, we go beyond bid writing, staying current with industry best practices and pioneering innovative approaches. Our consultants are committed to excellence and ensuring their knowledge is always up-to-date.

Looking Forward to Rail Live 2025

We are excited about exhibiting at Rail Live 2025. This opportunity will allow us to showcase our expertise, share our successes, and form new partnerships. WeBid remains dedicated to advancing the railway industry through innovative solutions and exceptional service.

Stay tuned for more updates as we prepare for our exhibition at Rail Live 2025.

Elevate your bids

We're dedicated on staying ahead with the latest news and market trends, using insights to shape your bidding strategy. Choose us for your next bid, where our comprehensive services include bid strategy, bid management, and design. With a remarkable 96% success rate in 2023, we're here to guide you seamlessly along the path to success.

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