November 27, 2023

Procurement Act 2023: Evolutionary Shifts in UK Construction Practices

Procurement Act 2023: Evolutionary Shifts in UK Construction Practices


The recently approved Procurement Act, having received Royal Assent on October 26, 2023, marks a significant evolution rather than a revolution in the procurement landscape of the UK. Set to take effect in October 2024, the Act is a pivotal component of the government's 'post-Brexit' strategy, aimed at modernising and streamlining procurement rules with a strong emphasis on "value for money, public benefit, transparency, and integrity." While sharing commonalities with existing rules, the Act introduces key changes that will likely impact the interpretation and execution of procurement processes across England, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

Key Highlights

  1. Prioritising Equal Treatment: The Act mandates contracting authorities to "have regard" to transparency, signaling a shift towards prioritising the equal treatment of suppliers over transparency. This shift poses challenges in interpretation and may reshape the approach to procurement practices.
  2. Central Debarment List: A notable addition is the introduction of a central debarment list, cataloging suppliers excluded from public procurements. This mechanism aims to enhance accountability and integrity in the procurement process by restricting participation from certain suppliers.
  3. Performance Publication Requirements: The Act introduces new publication requirements, necessitating the disclosure of performance against key performance indicators. This emphasis on transparency aims to foster accountability and improve the overall efficiency of procurement processes.

Adapting to Change

Suppliers operating in the UK construction industry face the challenge of understanding and adapting to the implications of the Procurement Act 2023. With the Act's focus on transparency, equal treatment, and accountability, it becomes imperative for suppliers to invest time and resources in comprehending the nuances of the legislation. This proactive approach is crucial for both suppliers and their supply chains to navigate potential shifts in the procurement landscape effectively.


The Procurement Act 2023 signifies a step towards the modernisation and streamlining of procurement practices in the UK. While not revolutionary, the Act introduces key changes that demand attention and adaptation from stakeholders in the construction industry. As the government emphasises values such as transparency, equal treatment, and integrity, suppliers must prepare themselves to navigate the evolving landscape, ensuring compliance and positioning themselves for success in the post-Brexit procurement era.

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