Established in 2021, this framework operates exclusively under Two Stage Open Book (2SOB) tendering. The hosts of Southern Construction Framework (SCF) (Hampshire County Council and Devon County Council) have operated construction frameworks since 2006, however Southern Construction Framework have now established a bespoke residential delivery framework provided by suitably experienced residential delivery partners. The 2SOB approach was designed to be flexible and responsive to industry pressures, including carbon, MMC and the ongoing housing crisis.
WeBid supported our client with demographic research to create a Social Value Strategy to go above and beyond framework minimum requirements. The strategy included:
Decarbonisation was inherent throughout the procurement process to align to the governments Net Zero strategy. WeBid’s in-house Environmental specialist, James Allan, provided expect advice and support in this area to create a carbon strategy. This included:
Through WeBid’s unique writing approach and the use of our in-house specialists, we successfully secured our client a place on this framework.
Find out how we can remove the burden of writing tender responses.